Rustic Furniture Basics - DVD
If you're fascinated by the unique character and earthy charm of rustic furniture, here's a great way to learn how to make your own. As a companion to the book of the same name, this useful DVD shows you all the basic techniques you'll need to create distinctive rustic furniture. With clear, simple language and valuable close-up shots of each procedure, renowned woodworker Doug Stowe demonstrates how to master every facet of this ancient craft. From selecting branches and logs to finding recycled materials, you'll discover how rustic furniture making is the original "green" building practice. And you'll see precisely how to use basic hand tools and low-tech procedures to create attractive, functional pieces with a primitive, natural look.
Here are just a few of the techniques you'll learn about.
- Cut mortises using a bit and brace and power drill
- Cut round tenons
- Make a webbed seat
- Weave twigs into sturdy furniture
- Use simple joinery to make a storage chest
- Make tusk tenons to build knock-down furniture
If you've often admired the rustic furniture you've seen in an old country cabin or rural farmhouse, here's your chance to start making these beautiful pieces yourself -- with step-by-step advice from a seasoned pro.
Run Time: 130 minutes
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