MicroJig GRR-Rip Block Smart Pusblock
Harness the incredible gripping power of the only pushblock with Smart Hook technology. With a broad non-slip gripping surface and auto-retracting heels, the GRR-RIP BLOCK sets the bar for material control and safety in the workshop.
- Grip that sticks. The podular structure of the Green GRIP provides superior traction by conforming to the contour of the workpiece. Dust and debris stays in the gaps to maintain traction.
- Hook when you need to. The Smart Hooks auto retract mid-board, then drop down to grab the tail end of your workpiece. They can also be locked in the retracted position when they’re not needed. There when you need them, tucked away when you don’t.
- 90 degree flip guide for vertical operation. Use the 90-degree Flip Guide for veneers and resawing on the bandsaw, or for beaded face frames and other special profiles against the router table fence. No matter which way you flip it, smart hooks still fall into place.
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