Titebond II Premium Wood Glue
Weather proof bond suitable for wood to wood bond where moisture is present. A shelf stable, one part (pre-catalysed) cross-linking PVA adhesive. It is recommended for high frequency and hot or cold press, edge and face gluing and finger joint applications. With its very fast setting rate, viscosity stability and high percentage solids, Titebond Premium II can also be used for a variety of assembly gluing applications. It develops a DIN EN 204 D3 water-resistant bond with a light-coloured glue line. Ideal for making block chopping boards is is approved for indirect food contact by FDA USA.
- First one-part wood glue to pass ANSI Type II water-resistance ( passes the soak test)
- Minimal joint creep
- Designed for exterior use
- Excellent sandability
- Unaffected by finishes
- FDA approved for indirect food contact
- Ideal for radio frequency (R-F) and hot press gluing systems
- Easy cleanup with water
Please note: Titebond II Premium Wood Glue is not for continuous submersion or for use below the waterline. Not for structural or load bearing applications. Do not use when temperature, glue or materials are below 12.7°C. Due to low pH, product may cause corrosion on metal surfaces, test product before using where rusting/corrosion may be of concern.
Freezing may not affect the function of the product but may cause it to thicken. Agitation should restore product to original form. Because of variances in the surfaces of treated lumber, it is a good idea to test for adhesion. For best results gluing exotic or oily woods, such as Ipe and Teak, please contact our Technical Support Team at 1-800-347-4583. Read MSDS before use.
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We are a small operation specialising in servicing the needs of woodturners and woodworkers in Australia and around the globe. With a small team of friendly staff we are ready to help you with your woodworking needs. Orders can be placed over the phone, online or you can pop into the shop to make your purchase...Read more