What a magnificent timber this is. I managed to score a large board that was put aside because it didn't match the straight grained boring boards selected for a commercial fit-out. It was "too busy" as quoted by the carpenter. I quickly snapped it up because I knew it was going to make a good pens.

PNG Rosewood is also know as Amboyna (Pterocarpus Indicus) . A wonderful timber to work with and a very pleasant aroma when being sanded. The pattern on the blank was called Bee's wing because it didn't fit the traditional fiddleback or curly pattern commonly seen in Australian hardwoods.

Like fiddleback grain the pattern is most visible on the quarter grain section of the timber. Like most of the pen that I make, it was turned then sanded to 400 grit sandpaper. 20 thin coats of CA was applied then buffed back with micro mesh from 800 grit to 12,000 grit. Final buff with Brasso and protected with automotive wax.

Hope you like this pen as much as I do.

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